Turtleneck from Envii by Pernille Teisbæk (here), Grey knit from Envii by Pernille Teisbæk (here), Leather shorts from Envii by Pernille Teisbæk (here), Pants from Baum und Pferdgarten (here), Socks from Baum und Pferdgarten (here), Loafers from Billi Bi (here), Bag from Whyred (here), Heels from Whyred (here), Fur coat from Project AJ 117 (here) This Wednesday we give you a little guide/some tips to style a simple black turtleneck. Add some cool leather shorts, a cozy grey knit and some black heels. Or make it simple and classy with a fur coat, suit pants and twist the look with some printed socks. Have a lovely Wednesday xxx 9PR
Jacket from Envii (here), Knir from Envii (here), Sweatshirt from Calvin Klein Jeans (here), Trousers from An Ounce (here), Sneakers from Adidas (here), Bag from Just Female (here), Trousers from Just Female (here) Trousers from Fiveunits (here), Shirt from Envii (here), Trousers from Fiveunits (here), Blazer from Sand (here), Blazer from Whyred (here), Boots from Sand (here), Boots from Whyred (here) It's time for some inspiration, and this time we have found two of Denmark's most fashionable bloggers. ByFunda and Lookdepernille totally rock the streets. We really love Funda's look with a grey wool coat, wide trousers, Adidas sneaks and a cozy sweatshirt from Calvin Klein jeans. Lookdepernille goes for the casual look with some ripped boyfriend jeans, a blue oversized blazer and a striped shirt. We like big time. We are totally inspired by the two cool blogger-girls. Get the look here. Have a great day! xxx 9PR
9PR X-mas Celebration and High-Summer15 Pressday!
Christmas is approaching quickly, and we really are BIG fans of this season at the 9PR Showroom! There's especially one thing that we cannot wait to do, and that is hosting our annual X-mas Celebration. For this event we invite all of our best friends and customers for a combined Christmas Celebration and HighSummer presentation of our lovely brands. Both press and customers joined us in celebrating the past year, which has been great and intense and amazing all at the same time. Please read on, to catch a glimpse of how we decorated the office for this event, and all of the lovely guests!First of all the 9PR Christmas Card 2014! We would all like to thank you for a lovely year, and we cannot wait to see you all again next year! From left is Nina, Line, Nina, Nanna, Cecilie and Sofie in the front.We started our X-mas celebration at 9 o'clock Thursday, and we had made room for lots of beautiful people!We served christmas bruch, which included lovely bread, the B-E-S-T jam from Bangs Marmelade, Ris a la Mande from the Yogurt shop made on the Icelandic skyr, mulled wine, marshmellows and 'snowballs... Phew! Well, it's only Christmas once, right? Lovely 'mulled wine' made on apple, cinnamon, star anis and lots of other goodies!One big jug of mulled wine, Bangs Ingefær Drik and yummy Ris a la Mande.We had created a special little Christmas corner with all that belong to Christmas. Presents, plaids, mistletoes and of course a tree.... and of course we had our lovely guests sit in the sofa! Team Cover, from left: Melissa, Camilla with bubs and Gry.Two lovely ladies from Costume//Woman. Trine and Charlotte.Euroman; good-looking team Kristine and Frederik.Beautiful Laura from ELLE, Carla from IN and Mette Marie from the blog twinpeaks.dk.Lovely Johanne and Josephine from ELLE.The new and lovely team Eurowoman: Gertrud and Camilla.Camilla again with Nicole from Julie Brandt.A great Costume moment: Trine and Anne.Picture-perfect: Bent Lee from Riots Resort and Christina from Custommade.The lovely girls from Copenhagen Fashion Pool: Amanda and Andrea.Team Whyred enjoying the mulled wine.Team Soundvenue: Tina and Nanna.Freelancers Katrine and Nanna.Team AMUST.The two ladies from the blog Soulsisters.dkAnd here we have team FiveUnits.And the lovely Marie Sand with Sille Henning from Fashion-post.dk.I guess that was it for now. THANKS FOR AN AMAZING YEAR!
Christmas party outfits!
Hi fashion-lovers, As you well know Christmas time is upon us and we don't know about you guys but for us, that means a lot of Christmas parties, get-togethers and other holiday fun times. Often you don't know what to wear or what to put together to get a fabulous look, so we will help you with that. We put together 3 different looks to inspire you for all your Christmas events.The first look is inspired by a floor long dress and of course it's red, to match the Christmas time! A lot of ladies like to look really feminine and really dress up for this time a year, so if you are the type who loves the long dresses, this would be a good choice. It looks nice with a pair of stillettoes and a nice necklace. To spice up the look ad a delicious deep color on your lips and a strong hair spray to hold the hair perfect in place! Remember to keep warm - a black coat will go great with the long dress. COAT from HUGO BOSS DKK 3299 | DRESS from envii DKK 500 | NECKLACE from RebekkaRebekka DKK 1200 | SHOES from Samsøe & Samsøe DKK 1000 | BAG from NEYE DKK 270 | LIPSTICK from NARS from Sephora DKK 225 | HAIRSPRAY from Trines Wardrobe DKK 79,95 The second look is inspired by the woman who just loves "the little black dress". If you are that type and you might want to give it a little extra, you can add a pair of colorfull stillettoes and maybe a spicy red lipstick that will make sure you are ready for the mistletoe ;) A simple white blazer will bring great style to the look and it's always fun to give the hair some volume! DRESS from Calvin Klein Jeans DKK 1500 | BAG from HUGO BOSS DKK 2299 | BLAZER from An Ounce DKK 1200 | EARRINGS from Carré DKK 740 | SHOES from billi bi DKK 999 | LIPSTICK from NARS from Sephora DKK 225 | VOLUME BOOSTER from Kérastase DKK 255 The third look is for the woman who maybe want to do something different than wearing a dress. A leather skirt will give a raw feel to the look and a peplum top with a metalic detail will match nicely. Add a fur jacket, so you won't be cold at night. The red boots will bring some Christmas to the look and a glittery or brown eyeshadow, brings the party to your face as well. SKIRT from Just Female DKK 1999 | TOP from Gestuz DKK 999,95 | FAKE FUR from SAND DKK 3295 | BRACELET from Jane Kønig DKK 1800 | BAG from Adax DKK 899 | EYESHADOW from Sephora DKK 160 | BOOTS from billi bi DKK 1399 | VOLUME BOOSTER GLOSS SERUM from Sephora DKK 110 We hope you now feel ready for all the Christmas parties. Enjoy! Have a great day! xxx 9PR
White Ribbon x 100 Great Danes x sloggi
Hi everybody! Today we have a very important issue to tell you about. Because today is the UN's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – a cause to help stop violence against women worldwide. In relation to this, the White Ribbon organization is another organization devoted to the same important cause. White Ribbon is a worldwide network focusing on 3 things; to break the silence of violence against women, to not exercise violence against women and to dissociate from others’ violence against women. Their goal is to address men, in order to encourage them to take responsibility as well and make an effort to become an active player in this fight too. Of course, White Ribbon has chosen this special day to mark their statement as well. Furthermore, the book ‘100 Great Danes’ by Bjarke Johansen and Simon Rasmussen releases. It took the 2 guys 7 years to finish this masterpiece that wasn’t intentionally supposed to be related to White Ribbon. But working together made sense to both Bjarke and Simon and White Ribbon, as it portraits 100 more or less naked Danish women. And since White Ribbon primarily targets men it made more sense to join forces with Bjarke and Simon and their book than to draw on pictures of bruised women, as you usually see in this type of campaign.
'100 Great Danes' book cover
Bjarke Johansen & Simon Rasmussen
Last but not least, Bjarke and Simon also shot 5 campaign pictures in collaboration with sloggi, of which the profit from the panties designed for the purpose goes to White Ribbon. To draw even more attention to this collaboration the 5 participating girls from the campaign pictures are model Josephine Skriver, blogger Pernille Teisbæk, model Maria Gregersen, singer Karen and actress Sara Hjort.
Sara Hjort
Pernille Teisbæk
In order for you to have a better understanding about this very important issue, please scroll down and read the Q&A’s with White Ribbon ambassadors Sara Hjort and Pernille Teisbæk and Lion Rokx, Spokesperson for White Ribbon Denmark. At the bottom of the post you will find some of the pictures from the book.The Q&A’s are in Danish: Sara Hjort, Ambassador White Ribbon/Sloggi:Hvorfor er du ambassadør for White Ribbon / Sloggi samarbejdet?Vold mod kvinder og vold generelt er et stort samfundsmæssigt problem, som ofte forbliver i skyggen. Det vil jeg meget gerne hjælpe til at belyse og bekæmpe. Der er alt for mange kvinder, der bliver udsat for fysisk eller psykisk vold i deres parforhold, og ved at være ambassadør for White Ribbon, kan jeg forhåbentlig være med til at bryde den tavshed og det tabu, der er eksisterer omkring dette. Hvorfor er en organisation som White Ribbon vigtig?En organisation som White Ribbon er vigtig, da den opfordrer os alle sammen til at reagere, hvis vi har mistanke om vold. På den måde kan vi alle være med i kampen om både at forebygge og bekæmpe vold. Den belyser et tema, som vi alle kender til, men som mange af os glemmer eller tænker ikke involverer os, hvis vi ikke selv er ramt af det i vores parforhold. På trods af at langt det meste vold foregår i hjemmet, bag lukkede døre, er det stadig noget der involverer os alle sammen. Vold avler vold, og derfor er det noget vi alle sammen kan være med til at forebygge, ved aldrig at vende det døve øre til. Hvis vi på nogen måde har mistanke om vold mod kvinder, handler det om at lytte og om at reagere. White Ribbon hjælper os til hvordan vi gør det bedst muligt. Samtidig er White Ribbon en verdensomspændende organisation, hvilket gør det nemmere at nå ud til langt flere mennesker. Hvad tror du denne White Ribbon / Sloggi trusse kan hjælpe med at formidle ud?Jeg tænker at trussen er et symbol på det intime. Det intime i parforholdet, som skal værnes om som noget smukt og kærligt. Ikke noget der skal udsættes for vold, angst og usikkerhed. Vi skal kunne føle os trygge i vores trusse! Hvorfor er det vigtigt med fokus på mændene?Jeg synes det er vigtigt, at White Ribbon tager fat på mænd i bekæmpelsen af vold mod kvinder, da det er et stærkt signal at sende til andre mænd – ikke at acceptere eller tolerere vold mod kvinder. Det er hverken maskulint eller acceptabelt at anvende vold. Det er ikke en kvindekamp, det er en kamp, som involverer os som mennesker, på tværs af køn. Samtidig er det enormt vigtigt at tage afstand fra volden og ikke fra manden, der udøver den, da vi ellers risikerer at dæmonisere en stor gruppe mennesker, som muligvis selv har været udsat for vold, og hvoraf mange forhåbentlig har et ønske om at kunne reagere anderledes. Det er netop det White Ribbon kan hjælpe med. White Ribbon inviterer os alle til kommunikation og til at bryde tavsheden, hvilket er det første vigtige skridt i bekæmpelsen af vold. Hvordan kan du med din profession som skuespiller, gøre en forskel?Jeg kan med min synlighed som skuespiller være med til at sætte fokus på noget, jeg virkelig synes er vigtigt, og hvis det kræver at jeg bruger mit ansigt ud ad til – så gør jeg det med glæde og stolthed! Pernille Teisbæk, Ambassadør White Ribbon/Sloggi: Hvorfor er du ambassadør for White Ribbon / Sloggi samarbejdet?Jeg har valgt at være ambassadør for White Ribbon/ Sloggi kampagnen, fordi jeg synes det er vigtigt at jeg som kvinde støtter op om kampen mod vold mod kvinder. Som selvstændig kvinde kan jeg være med til at gøre en forskel ved at sætte fokus på emnet og dermed være med til at øge bevidstheden om problemet. Hvorfor er en organisation som White Ribbon vigtig?Det er vigtigt at det ikke kun er kvinderne der kæmper kampen, men at også mændene bakker op om den gode sag og sætter fokus på at det ikke er i orden med vold mod kvinder. Hvad tror du denne White Ribbon / Sloggi trusse kan hjælpe med at formidle ud?Jeg tror at man med denne kampagne kan skabe bevidsthed omkring organisationen. Og så er det vigtigt for mig at Sloggi har indgået dette samarbejde, hvor det går ubeskåret til et godt formål. Hvorfor er det vigtigt med fokus på mændene?Jeg synes, det er et vigtigt udgangspunkt og fokus at ingen mænd accepterer, at andre mænd udsætter kvinder for vold. På samme måde, som at vi kvinder ikke synesdet er i orden. Det synes naturligt at mændene kan bakke hinanden op og gennem deres netværk øge bevidstheden og budskabet ingen vold mod kvinder. Hvordan kan du med din profession som blogger, gøre en forskel?Jeg kan gennem mit netværk være med til at øge bevidstheden og sprede budskabet. Og på både bloggen og de andre sociale medie-platforme jeg bruger i det daglige, kan jeg formidle budskabet ud til en bredere målgruppe. Lion Rokx, Spokesperson for White Ribbon Denmark.Hvad er White Ribbon for en organisation?White Ribbon er et verdensomspændende netværk som sætter fokus på tre ting, nemlig at bryde tavsheden om vold mod kvinder, ikke at udøve vold mod kvinder og tage afstand fra andres vold mod kvinder. Bekæmpelse af vold mod kvinder er ikke kun en sag for kvinderne selv. Ingen mænd bør acceptere, at andre mænd udsætter kvinder for vold. White Ribbon har til formål at engagere så mange som muligt i kampen mod volden, her har vi især fokus på mænd. Hvad kan White Ribbon, som andre organisationer ikke kan?I modsætning til den traditionelle tilgang til bekæmpelsen af volden mod kvinder, fokuserer White Ribbon ikke kun på ofrene, men retter blikket mod udøverne og ikke mindst dem omkring udøveren. På denne måde forsøger vi at starte en holdningsbearbejdelse og et paradigmeskift hvor flere mænd engagerer sig aktiv i denne kamp med formål at reducere vold i nære relationer. Hvorfor har du valgt at gå ind i netop denne organisation?Det er min dybeste overbevisning at vi ikke får standse volden mod kvinder uden at mobilisere mænd i denne kamp. Det kan være svært for mænd at engagere sig i kampen, måske fordi det traditionelt har været kvindernes kamp, måske fordi man ikke synes man er del af problemet og dermed del af løsningen. Jeg vil gerne være med til at få fat i mænd, alle mænd og udfordre, men ikke mindst også invitere dem med ind i debatten og kampen mod mænds vold mod kvinder som medspiller og del af løsningen. Hvorfor er det vigtigt at fokus er på mændene?For mig giver det ikke mening at bekæmpe volden ved kun at fokusere på ofrene. Jeg har tit sammenlignet det med kampen med spritbilisme. Vi kan kun bekæmpe det ved at standse den som overvejer at sætte sig eller faktisk sætter sig i bilen med sprit i blodet. Vi skal selvfølgelig have et beredskab til ofrene og straffe dem som overtræder normerne, men vi er simpelthen nødt til at tage ansvar og standse dem helst inden der kommer andre til skade. Det samme gælder for mig i forhold til vold i nære relationer. Vi kan alle bidrage ved at italesætte volden og tage dialogen med den potentielle udøver. Jeg tror desuden at mange mænd ikke har følt der var plads til dem i kampen mod volden og det skal der laves om på! Hvordan kan bogen ’One Hundred Great Danes’ hjælpe med at i talesætte vold mod kvinder?Alle som kan og vil, burde engagere sig i kampen mod mænds vold mod kvinder. For at få skabt opmærksomhed på problemet, skal man række ud til så mange som muligt. Bogen er en hyldest til danske kvinder og jeg ser det som et kunstværk der portrætterer stærke danske kvinder. Vores kamp nyder at få del af opmærksomheden som bogen skaber og sender et tydelig signal om at stærke kvinder i Danmark tager afstand fra mænds vold mod kvinder. På denne måde kommer vores budskab ud til andre end de traditionelle kampagner. Hvorfor har White Ribbon valgt at samarbejde med Sloggi om vold mod kvinder?Fra vores første møde har jeg kunne mærke et engagement i Sloggi og deres medarbejdere og et brændende ønske om at gøre en forskel. Sloggi er meget kendt og vores samarbejde bidrager til at vi kan skabe opmærksomhed på vores kampagne til et bredt publikum. Jeg vil også påstå til et publikum vi ikke nødvendigvis rammer med traditionelle kampagner. Vores samarbejde viser at man kan gøre forskel på en smuk, elegant og tiltalende måde ved at arbejde sammen, virksomhed og nonprofit organisation og at man kan skabe opmærksomhed uden at pege på andre, men ved at invitere dem til at komme med i kampen.Sloggi har mobiliseret alle de kræfter man kunne og på denne måde løftet kampagnen og vores arrangement den 25. november på et helt andet niveau og dermed når vi ud til mange flere mennesker end vi kunne have håbet på fra White Ribbons side. Hvad har White Ribbon af fremtidige tiltag?Der er lige blevet dannet en bestyrelse med 11 medlemmer. Jeg ser den store bestyrelse som udtryk for at vi er mange som tror på White Ribbon en den rolle organisationen har i kampen mod vold i nære relationer. Vi er ’den nye dreng i klassen’ og vil fortsat holde kontakt og samarbejde med andre organisationer og udvikle tiltag sammen med dem som har lyst til at bekæmpe vold i nære relationer sammen med os. Vi vil fortsat arbejde på at skaffe midler til aktiviteter over hele landet. Allerede nu er vi travlt i gang med at få booket foredrag og oplæg i det nye år. I 2015 vil vi fortsat samarbejdet med dem der har støttet os i år og udvikle nye og utraditionelle veje til at skabe opmærksomhed på volden mod kvinder og vold i nærerelationer ikke kun i København, men også mange andre steder i Danmark.
Jasmin Søe
Laura Vorborg
Laura Lundsgaard
Lykke May
Nicoline Aagesen
Nina Agdal
Emma Stern
Ida Louise Nielsen
We wish you all an amazing day! Please spread the word <3
Kérastase and COVER event!
Hi beauty-lovers, As you may have seen, 9PR has a new member to the beauty family; Kérastase. We are so excited to have them.It was a true girls night out on Friday, last week, when Kérastase and COVER hosted a party at Sunday, in connection to the gorgeous and luxurious line; Elixir Ultime from Kérastase. We started the afternoon with girlfriend fun at Salon Stuhr, @stuhrsaloner, on Vesterbrogade, where the sweet jewelry designer Julie Wettergren, @juliewettergren, and her girlfriends, had the pleasure of the incredible Elixir Ultime oiltreatment from Kérastase, and afterwards Salon Stuhr and Kérastase made sure they were dolled up for the party of the evening, at Sunday – they looked SO amazing! Later we moved on to Frisør Terkelsen on Østerbro, @frisorterkelsen, where lovely movie critic and journalist, Ann Lind and her girlfriends, got the same luxurious treatment in true Kérastase spirit. We were SO impressed about Miss Lind’s amazing curls. It was in true glamour style, we continued the party at Sunday. Kérastase had decorated in true Elixir Ultime style, where they went all in, on gold balloons, gold products on the walls and the bathrooms and finally yet importantly, delicious passion fruit drinks that fit perfectly to the gold theme of the night! Take a look at the pictures below, to see what an awesome night it was! Thanks to everyone who came, and had a great time! Have a great day! <3 xxx9PR
ASOS SS15 Pressdays in London!
Happy Friday fashion-lovers, Another work week has come to an end and we are ready for the weekend, how about you? :)This week our beautiful showroom manager Nanna, went to London to visit ASOS and attend their SS15 press days. She had a really fun time, and took a lot of pictures, so take a look! Is wasn't all business, Nanna had a little time for pleasure and delisious food as well. Doesn't it just look good? :)Nanna also had the pleasure of the companying of the two handsome guys Mads Emil (Coverman) and Kristian (Fashion-Post) on the trip. They saw some of the great turist sights. Nanna and Kristian also tried out how easy it is to design and get a digital print. People are enjoying the ASOS event. On the right is Mads Emil from Coverman with ASOS Design Manager, Matt Thomas. On the left is Kristian from Fashion-Post with Womens Wear Accessories Design Manager, Aisling Mckeefry and on the right is Mads Emil from Coverman with Mens Wear Design Director John Moony. Very interesting people to meet! And the main event - the SS15 collections! ASOS has a lot to offer this SS15 season and we are very excited! We hope you enjoyed a little sneak peak from Nanna's trip and the ASOS SS15 collections.Have a lovely Friday and a great weekend! XXX 9PR
Designer close-up: Modström
Hi fashion people, It’s time for another designer close-up. This time we give you Modström, a newcomer to the 9PR family. We are proud to represent them, and therefore we would like for you to get to know them. As you may have seen in a previous blog post, on Facebook or on our Instagram, @9pr, we had a press show a few weeks ago, showcasing selected SS15 styles from 9 different brands, and Modström was one of them. Since 2004 Modström has practiced their love for the up-to-the-minute fashion, with fun and creative styles. Their distinct high-street fashion is feminine with a raw touch, and a contemporary edge. They are constantly designing new pieces to stay on the top of their game. Modström has achieved great success over the years, both on the Danish and international fashion scene by making the latest trends available to young women everywhere. They now have more than 400 retailers around the world, so you have plenty of opportunity to buy exactly the style you love! But you don't have to wait all winter to get your hands on some amazing styles, because Modström has made a great AW14 collection you can go buy right now! To inspire your autumn and winter wardrobe we have selected a few outfits! Aren't they amazing!? :) We love it. Lots of love,9PR
1 Trend 3 Outfits
Hi all you fashion lovers!
Yet again it is time for us to introduce you to an amazing fashion trend this AW season. This time we take a closer look on the infamous culottes. Men really really hate them – women really really love them! But nonetheless you just can get around the culottes trend this year. To make it even better we can let you guys (girls!) in on a little secret; the trend continues into next year – so buy them, wear them, and wear them again next season.
There are many different kinds of culottes; some are wide and some are narrow, some are short and some are long. Some are black, some are in colors and some come with print. Some of you might be a bit skeptical towards these quirky kinds of trousers and as you can see on these street-style pictures there are many ways to style them. So to be sure that there is something for everyone we have assembled 3 different outfits in order for you to get some inspiration. Scroll down and have look.
As you can see in the street style pictures many of the most stylish women we know wear them with absolute perfection. Notice that all of them are styling their culottes with some kind of high heels with pointy toes. This helps to make the kind of square-shaped culottes look more feminine.
CULOTTES from Envii By Pernille Teisbæk DKK 1500 | WAIST COAT from Gestuz DKK 1999,95 | SWEAT from Just Female DKK 499 | BAG from ADAX DKK 1499 | BOOTS from Tiger Of Sweden DKK 2500
CULOTTES from SAND DKK 1995 | LEATHER JACKET from MDK DKK 2999 | BLOUSE from Tiger Of Sweden DKK 1400 | BOOTS from Gestuz DKK 1699,95 | SCARF from Samsøe & Samsøe DKK 600
As always we hope you feel inspired <3 Have a lovely day!
9PR 5 Year Birthday!
Hi all you lovely people, As some of you might have noticed on our Instagram, @9PR, 9PR turned 5 years the 1st of November, and to celebrate accordingly we hosted a big birthday party for all of the closest friends of the house. The party took place last Friday, and it all began with a big sit-down dinner, and later on with partying until morning. We had been excited all week, and at the office we spent a lot of time talking about what to wear, and being an office full of women, obviously none of us had anything that exactly suited the event.. Leading up to this day, we had some busy weeks with our amazing 9PR Show at the showroom, and with following press days, so in other words we were quite ready to celebrate ourselves and all our hard work! This post will thus take you through the evening, showing you all the lovely people who attended our celebration, and you will see the who's and who's of the 9PR 5 year birthday bash! However before we get to the funny business, we would like to thank all of you, who have supported 9PR through the years! It has been five amazing and intense years, and a lot of work has gone into it. Your support means the world to us, so a BIG thanks to all of you!! The evening started at STAY Copenhagen, where Nina and Line had arranged an amazing dinner for our brands and the Danish press. As you can see a lot of fantastic people had turned up to celebrate with us! Beautiful Thora Valdimarsdottir, Fashion Editor at Costume, having a toast with Charlotte Sandgren the Fashion Editor at WOMAN. ' We caught the owner of the exclusive night club ZEN, Remee Jackman, and his gorgeous girlfriend model Mathilde Gøhler in a romantic moment Here is Sofia Astby having a laugh with stylist Barbara Gullstein and the musician Rasmus Walter Lovely 9PR girls Nina, Cecilie, and Sofie joking around, and having a great time PR Manager Kenneth from SAND Copenhagen And of course there was food, and a lots of it. It was so good and made by STAY Copenhagen! We also had ice-cream from La Strada! Of course 9PR wouldn't have turned 5, if it wasn't for these lovely women! From left, Showroom Manager Nanna, Showroom Coordinator Sofie, and of course Line and Nina the owners of 9PR, Beauty & Lifestyle Manager Cecilie, and Skowroom Coordinator Nina <3 Here is beautiful Fashion Editor at WOMAN, Charlotte Sandgren with Fashion Director at Euroman, Frederik Andersen. Here we have the Danish Fashion Journalist Chris Pedersen. The beautiful Mie Tingsager and Rune Gade, the two lovely people behind the new Danish brand An Ounce. Three lovely ladies, from left Jewelry Designer Charlotte Lebeck, Betina PR Manager at Carré and Shiri founder of Carré. Gorgeous stylist Barabara Gullstein with her boyfriend the Danish musician Rasmus Walter. What a pretty couple! Beautiful makeup artist Nicci Welsh, and the always fun actor Christiane Schaumburg-Müller, also the founder of ChriChri Jesper from Calvin Klein, Anna from Samsøe & Samsøe, Rikke Charlotte personal assistant for Pernille Teisbæk and Cathrine from Envii. Stylist and makeup artist Kenny Alexandr with the lovely Trine Kjær from Trines Wardrobe. Here we have Yasmin, Fashion Coordinator along with Melissa, Fashion Director, and Camilla, Online Editor all at Cover Magazine.The beautiful Sephora girls - Kathrine, Marlin, Kirsten.Lovely group shot: Joan, Nanna Lindskow, Regitze Bay, Sofia Astby and Linnea from The Bodystocking. Lovely Sofia Astby sandwiched by 9PR girls, Nanna and Nina.Beautiful Tina from Blink Production. Here the absoutely stunning girls behind Normag Joan, Julie and Alberte. The dream team behind the best yogurt place in town: The Yogurt Shop, Marika and Christina. Team ELLE - beatiful girls Josephine Aarkrogh and Laura Lawaetz.Looks fun right? Lene Nissen, Charlotte Mielko, Nomi Tuwell, Shiri and Charlotte Lebeck.Handsome team here: Camilla Larsson, Stephanie, Jesper, Christina from ELLE and Dorothea Gundtoft.Team Calvin Klein well represented - this is Jesper and Stephanie. Three lovely ladies having fun! Sille Henning from Fashionpost, Karen Rosenberg and Ann Lind. Carit, Camilla, and Rasmus from FiveUnits The beautiful Rebekka from RebekkaRebekka and Merethe Thaysen from SUIT. Marlene from Femina, Cathrine and Marianne from SKØN The mood was high, here expressed by Louise Amstrup from Alt for Damerne, Helle from Baum und Pferdgarten, Victoria from Fashion Exclusive and Thea from DANSK. The toasts of the town - lovely Nina and Line, along with Bent Lee from Riots Resort and Line from Companys Originals Team Baum und Pferdgarten. From left we have Christiane Schaumburg-Müller, together with designer Julie Brandt, Jaqueline and Christian Team Modström - Sabrina and Christina The girls from Just Female Penille and Sanne Nina and Line had made sure that all the guests continued the party at ZEN, and had arranged busses to drive us all directly to the dance floor. A picture of the setting at ZEN, right before the dance floor crowded up, and people were too busy dancing, and therefore not taking pictures We would like to thank all of our amazing guests that came to the party, and always support what we do here at 9PR! We can't wait to celebrate turning 10! If you want to see even more pictures from the night, follow @9PR on Instagram, or use the hashtag #9pr5år. By using the hashtag you can also see some of the pictures all of our guests took from the party! Have a great day <3 XX 9PR
9PR Show!
Hi fashion-lovers,
.We know it's been a while since our last blog post, but we have been so busy with all these new changes and exciting things! But now we can't wait to share what we have been up to with you guys. Last week was very exciting here at 9PR. We had our 9PR show, which is a fashion show where we present case the new collections. This time the show was displaying the new SS15 collections from nine different amazing brands and they each had five showings during the show:
Before the show, everything was put in perfect place. The goodiebags from Sephora was ready for the taking, coffee from Nespresso was ready to be made, the delicious chocolate from Summerbird was more then ready to be eaten and the Adax Juice Bar was open for business! :)
Sephora and Nicci Welsh Make-up Academy made sure our models looked sharp on the runway! Sephora did make up on our models, and Nicci Welsh Academy did hair. They did a beautiful job :)
.Everyone is getting settled and waiting with excitement for the show to begin. Motions are running high backstage, and we are more than ready to begin!
.The show was a big success once again and everyone had a great time. We loved it!
The models looked gorgeous and handsome in the selected outfits. We wanted to give the press the best opportunity to see the DNA of each brand and see some of the styles in motion as it gives a very different experience.
We also want to give you a sneak peak of our amazing show, and the SS15 collections, so keep reading and see the great pictures from the show on Tuesday, last week!
Here is a sneak peak of our newcomer to the showroom - WHYRED. We are so excited to have them! Here is 2 of their 5 women's outfits from the show.
And here is 2 of the men's outfits. Don't they look handsome! :)
Their SS15 collection is inspired by the German artist Kurt Schwitters. Layering and blocking is found throughout the collection.
After WHYRED men's and women's, Munthe was up! This season Munthe is inspired by the far east and combines paterns from the area with a grafic approch.
Then An Ounce came on and showed their strongest SS15 styles. This season An Ounce is inspired by gravity and their collection will include a lot of drapings, matte and shiny surfaces.
Strellson was up next, and this SS15 season they are all about narrow silhouettes in ultrafine wool qualities, mohair and silk, with focus on bright colors.
Aj. 117 Project also had beautiful styles in our show. Their SS15 collection is all about georgeous faded colors in all shades, soft surfaces and amazing qualities.
Modström is also a newcomer to 9PR, and we are very excited to have them! Modström is this season inspired by the essence of spring. The bright pastels mixed with dark contrasts gives the collection a strong look.
Another newcomer, Riots Resort. We absolutely love all these new additions to 9PR! Riots Resort came to because of a increasing demand on the Danish market for men's wear, for leather pieces of high quality. The inspiration is based on the generel shortage in the closet of the qualityknown man.
Tusnelda Bloch Copenhagen was up next and she is known for the use of amazing materials. This season is no different and the inspiration is silence. A silent color palette worked into beautiful naturel fibres.
Last but not least - another amazing newcomer to the 9PR family. Adidas!
They had Adidas Originals, Adidas Running and Adidas by Stella McCartney show cased in our SS15 show.
Adidas Originals celebrate the diversity and unite their commonality as originals.
Adidas Running is running with style and energy!
Adidas by Stella McCartney is a unique partnership within fashion and sportswear. The sleek cuts, precise lines and glove-like fit of the collection echo the exceptional feminine tailoring for which Stella McCartney is known and loved.
So what did you think? Wasn't this an amazing sneak peak of our amazing brands, our newcomers and their SS15 collections! We hope you loved it as much as we do.
After the show the guests had a great time talking and mingling.
A big thank you to Sephora, Nicci Welsh Make-up Academy, Summerbird and Samsung!
We hope you enjoyed a sneak peak into our SS15 Show and the SS15 collections!
Have a great weekend!
xxx 9PR
Too Faced: What Pretty Girls Are Made Of
Hi gorgeous beauty-lovers, Too Faced is finally coming to Denmark, more specifically exclusively to Sephora."Why be pretty when you can be beautiful?" That's the philosophy behind Too Faced. For the founders of Too Faced, Jerrod Blandino and Jeremy Johnson's makeup equals power. Too Faced's mission is to inspire women to express themselves and get the confidence that make them ready to take over the world! Girl power!We absolutely love Too Faced and the girliness and fun the brand represents. To begin with, Too Faced will launch their 3 best sellers! Here they are! :)1. The Better Than Sex Mascara is a volumizing intense black mascara. The hour-glass shaped brush ensures that every lash is coated which creates black, thick and sexy lashes! 2. The Shadow Insurance Primer is a super soft primer, that creates the perfect base to cream as well as powder eyeshadows. The primer intensifies the color of your eyeshadow and increases the durability up to 24 hours! 3. The Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow is one of the most beautiful palettes we have ever seen! The eyeshadows are pigmented with pure cocoa powder and contains 16 matte and shimmer eyeshadows. Aren't the colors just perfect for every look? We believe this palette is indispensable if you love sexy nude shades. Have you tried any of the Too Faced products? What do you think? And what are you excited about trying? Hurry down to your local Sephora to see and try the gorgeous products, where they are all available NOW! Have a fantastic Wednesday!Lots of beauty love,XXX9PR
Designer close-up; An Ounce
Hi everyone, Today we focus on the people behind the clothes and showcase a designer and the inspiration behind their brand. We think it's fun to know 'who' we are wearing and what they are all about. This week we give you An Ounce, because it's a new brand and you may not know that much about them or their style. So keep reading, because it's a great brand with much to offer! We absolutely love their collections! An Ounce is a new danish brand, and with only their 2nd collection so far they are taking the fashion sceen by storm with their minimalistic design. Rune Gade and Mie Tingsager Nielsen, co-founders, has created An Ounce with inspiration from global hotspots such as Seoul, Hong Kong and Copenhagen where design tradition is characterized by clean lines and diversity. An Ounce uniquely combines Asian subtle richness in detail with Scandinavian minimalistic design.The 'An Ounce woman' is energetic and ambitious, she chooses clothes that makes her feel feminine, classic and confident. She stands out positively in a crowd. Her clothes can be used and combined in many ways to fit the life of a modern woman.The name An Ounce derived from the saying: "An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. The meaning is a symbol of the approach and philosophy that defines the brand".We picked out some of our favorite styles to give you an insight into the style of An Ounce and inspire you to mix and match yourself. The different styles can be worn as a set or mixed together just the way you like it. Sets are the new black and we love it, and the great thing about sets are that you can have several and wear them together, so it looks like a different outfit the next day!
Blazer DKK 1200 | Dress DKK 1000 | Top DKK 700 | Skirt DKK 800
The minimalistic design clearly shines through in the styles, but if you also like colors you can always accessorieze! A cool shoe or jewllery can always be added or you can just keep it in black and white - it always works! The blazer can be used with a dress, a shirt and a top or with pants, and it looks super stylish! We love it.
Coat DKK 1800 | Top DKK 800 | Pants DKK 700 | Knit top DKK 1000
Usually An Ounce only uses the colors white, grey and black, but in the Winter14 collection thei introduced a dark blue knit top, and it's so cool. It's still the minimalistic design but it just adds a little color. A leather piece is one of this seasons "must haves" and you can wear it with almost everything and dress it up and dress it down. It works! We hope you liked our designer close-up of An Ounce!For more inspiration and shopping, check out www.anouncecph.com Have a great day! XXX 9PR
How To Create Beautiful Wavy Hair
Hi beauty-lovers,..We love the casual wavy hair look this fall! Here is a step by step guide to create this beautiful look!
1. Wash your hair with Alterna Bamboo Smooth Shampoo DKK 209 from Sephora.2. For super soft hair, condition with Alterna Bamboo Smooth Conditioner DKK 209 from Sephora.3. Brush your hair with the amazing Hershesons Oval Cuchion Brush DKK 195 from Sephora. The brush protects your scalp and reduces static hair. The perfect brush for every hair style and look!.4. For a dry, texture spray Trines Wardrobe Dry Shampoo DKK 89,95 into the roots for volume and structure. It can be used for all hair types and colors!
5. Curl your hair with Hershesons Professional Titanium Waving Tong DKK 699 available at Sephora. This is actually Hershesons bestselling product so it must be good! The waving tong is 2,5 cm in diameter and the perfect tool for creating loose, natural waves. The ceramic surface makes sure your hair stays moist and ensures a perfect look for hours!.6. Finish of the look with a pump of Alterna Caviar CC Cream DKK 369 also from Sephora. This is an absolute must have product! It's great for EVERYTHING. It's a leave-in product that provides moisture, shine, smoothness, softness, heat protection, UV protection - basically everything your hair needs to look absolutely stunning, beautiful, and healthy...We hope you feel inspired to try some of these amazing products!..What are your best tips for creating beautiful hair?.Have a fantastic Wednesday!.Lots of love,XXX 9PR
Trend: Jackets
You obviously can’t go through an AW season without a fabulous coat or jacket. If you are looking to buy new one this year, but don’t know where to start, you don’t have to worry any more – we are here to help you. There are several different styles to choose from, but we have found 3 examples we absolutely love this season and styled them into an entire outfit! Remember, a warm coat or jacket doesn’t have to be boring – it is possible to look amazing and be comfortable at the same time, we promise.
First of all, we have the fur jacket. There aren’t enough words in our vocabulary to describe how amazingly warm and comfortable a fur jacket is – we absolutely love it! The fur jacket is fabulous and eye catching in itself so you don’t have to worry too much about the rest of the outfit. Fur is classic and stylish, so allow yourself to match it with a more casual outfit. Patterned socks are a lovely detail in leather loafers.
FUR JACKET from AJ. 117 Project DKK 3499 | T-NECK KNIT from Samsøe&Samsøe DKK 900 | PANTS from Munthe DKK 1699 | LOAFERS from Billi Bi DKK 1099 | HAT from Gestuz DKK 399,95 | SOCKS from Baum und Pferdgarten DKK 199 | BAG from ADAX DKK 899
Beige, camel, caramel and sand colors always look stylish. The caramel color is pretty with a light outfit – especially this season where white and pastels continue into the autumn and winter. Style it with an all black outfit to make it even more stylish. The fit of this gentleman-ish-coat is an amazing contrast to a ladylike silhouette like a dress or a skirt and pretty pumps. Wear a bag in a different shade of the color to match it perfectly.
COAT from SAND DKK 3695 | PLEATED SKIRT from WHIITE DKK 999 | SHIRT from An Ounce DKK 800 | GLOVES from ADAX DKK 699 | PUMPS from Billi Bi DKK 1099 | BAG from ADAX DKK 1299
This season is all about shearling coats and jackets. It reminds us a little of the countryside and a ranch so be careful not to wear an outfit that is too casual. The brown camel color fits perfectly with a pair of black leather jeans. Wear different colors and kinds of leather together for different contrasts. The high heeled boots makes sure you don’t look too much like a cowboy.
SHEARLING COAT from Just Female DKK 4999 | LEATHER PANTS from Envii By Pernille Teisbæk DKK 2300 | SHIRT from Envii DKK 400 | SWEATSHIRT from Calvin Klein Jeans DKK ??? | TRACK SOLE BOOTS from Tiger of Sweden DKK 2500 We could spend all day talking about clothes but this will have to do for today. We hope we inspired you for your AW wardrobe <3XXX 9PR
1 Trend 3 Outfits: Knitwear
Hi fashion lovers, Friday is here! For this 1 Trend 3 Outfits, we got inspired by the cold weather, and rainy days we have had the last couple of days. So before you go into weekend mode, we want to show you some different ways of wearing knitwear. A cool and comfortable knit can go with almost everything! There is a lot of knitted styles to choose from, so we are sure that there is one for you as well, so you can be prepared for the cold days to come. The first outfit is with a long cardigan in camel, and it's perfect for all the dark colors in the winter season. To go with it, we have chosen a simple black tight dress that compliments the oversized cardigan. The black over-the-knee boots make sure your legs don't get too cold, and keeps the black dress casual. The beautiful fall colored eye shadow makes sure your makeup matches your outfit! EYESHADOW from MAKE UP FOREVER from SEPHORA DKK 165. BAG from ADAX DKK 2299. DRESS from Just Female DKK 399. EARRINGS from Charlotte Lebeck DKK 575. BOOTS from billi bi DKK 2199. SWEATER from SAND DKK 1995. Turtlenecks are really popular this season, and we love them! Therefore we have chosen a turtleneck sweater for the second outfit, and you can match the turtleneck sweater with many different items. Here we matched it with a pair of light grey jeans so the outfit doesn't get too dark. A beautiful stilletto will make it very feminine, and always remember the blush on your cheeks! JEANS fron Five Units DKK 699. SWEATER from Samsøe&Samsøe DKK 700. SHOES from HUGO BOSS DKK 5999. RING from RebekkaRebekka DKK 550. BAG from Amust DKK 499. BLUSH from SEPHORA DKK 95. For the last look, we have chosen a sailor inspired sweater. It doesn't always have to be paired with a heel or a pair of boots, therefore we have picked out a pair of sneakers that compliments the a-line skirt. It makes the look more casual, but just as cool. But you always have to embrace the feminine! So do that by wearing a gorgeous lipstick. SWEATER from envii by Pernille Teisbæk DKK 500. SKIRT from An Ounce DKK 800. BAGPACK from Just Female DKK 1199. BRACELET from Carré DKK 1200. SHOES from Amust DKK 999. LIPSTICK from NARS from SEPHORA DKK 225. Have a great weekend guys! XXX 9PR <3
The Prettiest Fall Makeup
Hello beauty-lovers, The days are getting shorter, the weather is grey and your energy might be bit lower than usual, but there is no excuse for not experimenting with the stunning fall colors! We have created a little guide for a simple, yet beautiful fall look. 1. Start by applying MAKE UP FOR EVER High Definition Foundation DKK 260 available at Sephora. Apply either with your fingers for a natural look or with a makeup brush for a polished, perfect look. This foundation is great if you have combination skin as it will keep you looking matte all day. The foundation feels like velvet on the skin - we love it! 2. Apply a bit of NARS Fall 2014 Unlawful Blush DKK 240 available at Sephora on your cheeks. 3. For perfect, modern brows sweep a bit of Benefit Gimme Brow DKK 190 available at Sephora over your brows. The color light/medium is the most perfect, ashy brown (with no warm, red tones). Perfect for Scandinavian girls! 4. For long, sexy lashes apply our all time favorite mascara - The Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara DKK 175 available at Sephora. Lash volume is said to increase with 1944 %! 5. As for eyeshadow, we are in love with this stunning eyeshadow palette from Sephora Colorful Collection (Palette 09) DKK 160. Apply the lightest color as a base on the entire eyelid. For a smokey effect, apply either the pink (if you are brave), the black or the purple shimmery color on the eyelid stopping at the socket line. For a dramatic look, apply some on your lower lash line too. Finally, blend it all out using the color in the middle of the palette. For increased intensity, you can add a little bit of water to your makeup brush before applying the eyeshadows. 6. When your eyes are colorful and intense, we prefer a simple, natural color on the lips. We suggest one of the newest members of the NARS lipstick family, the NARS "Anita" Audacious Lipstick DKK 225 available at Sephora. The lipstick has a gorgeous texture - it slides on smoothly, is really pigmented and stays on forever! We hope you feel inspired and ready to rock the fall colors! Have a fantastic Thursday, lovelies! Lots of love,XXX9PR
Interview with stylist Barbara Gullstein
Hi everybody, Yesterday, we had a lovely visit in the showroom! Stylist Barbara Gullstein, that you may know from Go' Morgen Danmark, came by to style two outfits she believes represents the trends of AW14. We absolutely love them both, and we want to own every item ourselves. We also asked Barbara some questions we would like to share with you, so you can get to know one of our favorite stylist a little better...
Left: TURTLENECK from Envii by Pernille Teisbæk DKK 350, BLUE TURTLENECK from Samsøe Samsøe DKK 700, SKIRT from Just Female DKK 1099, BAG from Calvin Klein Jeans DKK 1700, BOOTS from Gestuz DKK 1699.95.Right: TURTLENECK from Envii DKK 400, SHIRT from Clavin Klein Jeans DKK 900, PANTS from Envii 450, STILETTOS from Billi Bi DKK 999, BRACELET from RebekkaRebekka DKK 1000..
Barbara certainly has an eye for details. We are in love with the double turtleneck which gives a cool and casual look. As a bonus, it keeps you extra warm! And it seems like you can keep layering your items this winter, and it contributes with a great finish to your overall look. The white shirt, from Calvin Klein Jeans, being visible from under the sweater gives a sophisticated look and works great in contrast to a more relaxed outfit.
And here we have Barbara doing what she does best! Styling, paying attention to details and being creative..As promised, here are the questions we asked the always sweet, and inspiring Barbara in order to learn more about her and her vision...What do you love the most about your job?The creative freedom, the people I work with, and the diversity that follows with my job. How come you became a stylist, and how does it affect you as a person?A modeling agency contacted me, and asked if I wanted to style their newface shoots, and as naive as I was, I threw myself into it. So with help from my amazing friend, Wiktor Hansson, I went in the right direction. Later on my current agency Scoop Models, contacted me saying that they wanted to represent me. How do you like to spend your time when you’re not working?I love spending time with my son and my boyfriend. When you work odd hours and work as much as my boyfriend and I, then you want to use all your spare time with your family. Furthermore I do hot yoga, where I can recharge. Describe in 3 words what Danish style and fashion is to you.Wearable, simple and fitting. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?Living in Denmark with the world as my work space. What is your absolute favorite tendency this AW14 season?I think there are so many cool trends this season, but the turtleneck I have bought in many different varieties. It is a classic item, which can be styled in numerous ways, and it keeps you warm, which I’m a huge fan of in the winter season. How does it contribute to you as a stylist, that you are permanently styling at Go’ Morgen Danmark?First of all, because it is a Danish television show and has to appeal to a wide audience, then my features have to embrace a lot of people and the clothes have to be available for everyone. It is both challenging and fun at the same time. Furthermore, I have to do research every time I have to talk about new trends. In that way, I learn new things and am able to constantly develop. It is both motivating and extremely giving. You have styled shows, editorials, commercials, and lots of other things, which job challenges your creativity the most and why?My own projects! When I collaborate with a photographer, and we have to art direct together and create something from scratch. I can come up with many creative ideas, but having to realize them is something completely different. I have a hard time restricting myself. It is a challenge when you have plenty of good ideas, but sometimes ideas that are unrealistic. .After this interview, we love Barbara even more! We hope that you got to know her a little better - we certainly did! Have a great day, XX 9PR
Hi guys! As you might have noticed on our Instagram @9PR already, we had the most AMAZING Sephora Christmas event Thursday – YAAAY !! In relation to the fast approaching Christmas (in just 3 months – but who’s counting anyway), we hosted the Sephora Christmas event with the dazzling theme Gifts of the Ocean – Christmas Mermaid. It was nothing less than fantastic and the showroom was filled with the perfect Christmas mood. Our showroom was turned into a magical place filled with wrapped gifts, glitter and make-up, nail and hair stations. Sephora (@sephora_scandinavia) provided beautiful make-up together with NARS (@nasisist), Benefit (@benefitdenmark) and Make Up For Ever (@makeupforeverofficial), while Alessando (@alessandro) made the most fancy nails. And then – Dadadadaaaaaaaa! We had the pleasure to introduce Sephora’s 2 new amazing brands: The make up brand Too Faced (@Toofaced) that also had a beautiful glittery table filled with make up. And the hairstyling brand Hershesons (@hershesons) that had a hair salon to style our sweet guests’ hair. It truly was every girly-girl’s dream day! Last but not least we had tasty hot cocoa with whipped cream, delicious Christmas tea from T Town and Christmas coffee from Estate Coffee, homemade candy-on-a-stick and seriously mouth-watering donuts from The Donut Shop (@thedonutshopdk)!! Take a look down the page for a glimpse from an absolutely amazing day! Have a nice day guys,XXX 9PR
in:in:in Event at 9PR
Hi guys Yesterday we had a busy day at the showroom! That because it was the time of year for our in:in:in Event which 9PR hosted together with Danish Fashion and Textile. in:in:in stands for inspiration, information, and innovation, and it is always exciting to hear what the speakers think the future has to offer, and which trends we have to follow. This year, we had Jakob Søndergaard and Anja Gaede, from SPOTT Trends & Business, speaking about what they believe the customer of the future demands, and how you as a business can accommodate your customer’s wishes. Next we had Senior Social Media Manager, Sedge Beswick from ASOS, speaking about social media and how much power social media has, and how much power you can get by using social media in a strategic way.
At 9PR it is not an event without some delicious food! We got some gorgeous food from Danish Minies last night, and they made the cutest canapés.
Vitamin Well had arranged for us to have some of their water with exciting flavors, and we love them all! And our guests certainly did as well.
Here Line and Nina are welcoming all of our guests together with Simon from Danish Fashion and Textile, and prepares them for an exiting night.
All of the collections we usually have in the showroom were replaced with lovely people, and they were very occupied with listening to what the speakers had to say about social media and what we can expect from the future.
We had a really interesting and inspiring event, and the future looks very bright! Have a great day :)
Xx 9PR