Last Tuesday we opened up our beautiful showroom to let the press take a look at all the new Pre Spring 16 collections. We aim to present the story behind each of our brands in order to inspire the magazines, so they can imagine which styles to use in upcoming shoots - which is also why the Press Day is such an exciting event for us! We served our guests coffee, fresh fruits and delicious yogurts from The Yogurt Shop while talking about the beautiful new collections. We assure you, there is definitely something to look forward to - so keep an eye out for the fashion magazines November issues, these will include a lot of Pre Spring must-haves :-)press 1Fresh fruits and flowers. press 3Katrine Krog from We Are Mad and Mie Quist from We Wonderpress 6Bea Fagerholt from Eurowoman, Mette Marie Lei Lange from TwinPeaks and our very own Nina. press 7Editor in Chief Trine Nygaard and Fashion Editor Line Givskov from INpress 2The Yougurt Shop - soooooo good! press 4Freelance Stylist Anne Stockmann and Assisting Fashion Editor Camilla Larson from Eurowomanpress 5Journalist Stephanie Korsholm from iFormpress 13Gorgeous blogger-girls, Julie Pallesen and Freja Wewerpress 9Nanna and Katrine from The Lookbookpress 8Line Givskov og Mette Marie Lei Lange. press 11Stunning Elle Fashion Coordinator Maria Jernovpress 12Fashion Editor Thora Valdimarsdottir and Assisting Fashion Editor Jeanette Friis from Costumepress 10Patrick Pankalla and Amalie Wesselpress 14Well, that's a wrap. Thanks for a lovely day :-) Later we will you give an update about the rest of the week (which was great, by the way!) so stay tuned! Kisses <3